Cities and Villages Conference

Cities and Villages Conference

Matthew 9:35 tells us of the ministry of Jesus. Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

Although we can all learn from the ministry of Jesus, none of us have the exact call He had. Jesus was called to every city and every person. We all have a call to specific cities, in fact, sometimes, specific areas of specific cities, and would be uncomfortable having to pastor in some other part of the country or world. Although Jesus felt comfortable in large cities and small villages, His ministry approach was the same everyplace. He preached the gospel to sinners, taught the believers and healed everyone of every disease they had.

I have brought two ministers to give you and me insight into those two areas, cities and villages. Craig Groeschel has a network of television churches in cities across the country and is called to large cities. Duane Sheriff also has a network of television churches and a calling to rural areas. His ministry is based in Durant, Oklahoma and has a network of churches in Oklahoma and Texas.

(Please allow a minute for the audio to begin playing)

The Church

The Church

2012 Minister's Conference

2012 Minister's Conference