Let God's Will Find You

Let God's Will Find You

What Is God’s Will For My Life?

  1. The evolution of the church

    a. People were involved in doing everything in church.

    b. This is what made Grace Fellowship a success.

    c. New at the church years later.

  2. Volunteering helps the church and prepares you.

    a. There are never enough ushers, greeters, teachers, or children’s, and youth workers.

    b. From that faithful group of volunteers, I have sent out many ministers to begin their own works.

A. Finding a Marriage Partner

“Genesis 2:21, 22”

What Had Adam Been Doing Before This?

“Genesis 2:15, 20”

4 Points to Finding a Mate

  1. Get to Work - Adam obeyed God, guarded the garden, and named animals before Eve was made.

  2. Go to Sleep - Adam did not think or worry over a mate.

  3. God Will Make a Perfect Mate for You - The person may not be what you expect, but God know you best.

  4. God Will Bring Your Mate to You and Not Hide Them - Adam did not have to search.

We Want Our Own Way To Meet and Marry

We have our own inventions (Ecclesiastes 7:29).

We want to help.

  1. Internet

    a. Match.com, christianmingle.com.

  2. Singles classes, Go to college, Attend Bible college,

  3. Visit other churches, and meetings looking for someone.

Men and women are different - opposites attract, mismatch.

Keep Working While You Are Waiting

  1. Isaac was working, watching the fields of Abraham. (Genesis 24:64)

  2. God brought Rachel to Jacob as he worked. (Genesis 29:6-11)

  3. God brought Boaz to Ruth as both were working. (Ruth 4:1)

  4. Our servant, the Holy Spirit can be sent for a mate.

B. Finding Your Call

God’s call is no different than finding a mate.

4 Points to Find God’s Will

  1. Get to Work - Not necessarily your occupation. Work in the church, helping and loving God’s people.

  2. Go to Sleep - Quit thinking of your call. Rest in God.

  3. God Will Create a Perfect Plan For You - It may not be what you were expecting, but God knows you best.

  4. God Will Not Hide His Will - He will bring it to you.

    Quit running from church to church, meeting to meeting, and prophecy conferences looking for it.

God’s Will Found Old Testament Ministers

  1. Moses was shepherding.

  2. David was shepherding.

  3. Gideon was at the threshing floor.

  4. Elisha was plowing.

An Old Man's Advice

An Old Man's Advice

God Switched Hands

God Switched Hands