Lift Up Your Eyes

Lift Up Your Eyes

The Gifts Are For All Spirit-Filled Believers, Not Just Ministers

“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.” 1 Corinthians 12:7

  1. You may not be a minister, but you can learn ways to minister.

  2. There are nine “manifestations” of the Holy Spirit.

  3. You are a wire connecting the power to the need.

  4. We connect to God and people by faith.

  5. This should not be a church that only leaders are used in the gifts.

  6. God wants you as effective in your world as the pastor is in his.

Any Gift That Comes From God is Received by Faith

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

  1. Salvation (John 1:12, Acts 10:43, Romans 5:17).

  2. Healing (Mark 10:51, Acts 9:12).

  3. The Word (Luke 18:41, 42, James 1:21).

  4. Holy Spirit (John 7:39, 20:22, Acts 8:14, 15).

Power for the Supernatural is Also Received By Faith

  1. The Holy Spirit and power are two different things (Acts 10:37, 38).

  2. The Great Commission has two parts - natural and supernatural.

We Usually Think Praying in Tongues Gives Us Power

  1. Praying in tongues gives sensitivity to the Spirit and guidance.

  2. Power for miracles is received. With our faith.

    a. Receive - “λαμβάνώ” to take hold of, to seize

    b. There is always more than enough power to overcome Satan.

It Takes Supernatural Power to Break a Supernatural Enemy

  1. The Great Commission has two attack fronts - words and deeds (Mark 16).

  2. True witnessing includes both (Romans 15:18, 19)

  3. Jesus taught at times and healed at other times. At both, “many believed on Him” (John 4:39, 7:31, 8:30, 10:42, 11:45, 12:11, 42).

The Holy Spirit’s Presence is Always With Us

  1. A very present (instant) help in time of need (Psalms 46:1).

  2. Jehovah Shamah - God is with you in all you do (Genesis 21:22).

  3. I am with you always even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).

  4. The Holy Spirit will abide with you (John 14:16).

  5. If the Holy Spirit is always present - Power is always present.

Another Name for God’s Power is “The Anointing”

  1. The anointing is always present because it comes with the Holy Spirit.

  2. The anointing is not difficult to enter and it is not easy to lose.

  3. Jesus moved in and out of the power (virtue in the KJV) of God.

    a. Talking with the disciples.

    b. The woman with the issue of blood.

    c. Jairus.

  4. Find your comfort zone. Learn to be comfortable in your call.

    a. Do you need to spend hours to enter the anointing?

    b. Do you need to separate from people? The anointing is for people.

    c. The anointing is not fragile.

    d. Unbelief will not destroy it - The power of God was present to heal.

How Did Jesus Receive Power? He Lifted Up His Eyes

Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do.” John 6:5, 6

  1. We live in two worlds - the natural and the spiritual

    a. We can look into the spiritual world to the Holy Spirit Who never leaves or forsakes us.

    b. When we look to the Holy Spirit He will lead us into all truth and show us things to come.

  2. Jesus lifted His eyes before doing anything spiritual.

    a. Before Jesus taught - John 6:20

    b. When Jesus, surrounded by unbelief, raised Lazarus from the dead - John 11:39-41

    c. Before Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane - John 17:1

  3. Looking at the serpent on the pole saved and healed the Jews.

  4. For his servant, Elisha asked God to “open his eyes.”

    • It is better to open your own eyes than for God to have to do it.

We Too Receive Power: Jesus Told Us to Lift Up Our Eyes

“Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” John 4:35

  1. Jesus did not keep this secret to Himself but told others how they, too, could operate in the Holy Spirit’s power.

  2. Lifting up the eyes is acknowledging the Holy Spirit’s presence and power. This is receiving power.

  3. Lifting your eyes lets you see beyond problems to the answers.

  4. Refocus, like a camera lens. “Look to the hills from where your strength comes.”

“Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” Luke 21:28

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