The Two Thieves

The Two Thieves

The Slave Market of Sin

  1. The Bible identifies those who do not know Jesus as:

    a. Lost

    b. Dead

    c. In darkness

    d. Blind

    e. Aliens from God

    f. Enemies

    g. Servants (slaves) to sin (John 8:34, Romans 6:17, 20, 2 Peter 2:19)

  2. Adam put all mankind into the Slave Market.

  3. Children of slaves have no choice being slaves - they are born slaves.

  4. Slaves cannot free themselves. Slaves receive no wages.

  5. Slaves cannot work hard enough to purchase their freedom.

  6. Slaves cannot free other slaves ie. Mohammed, Buddha, Joseph Smith.

  7. Jesus opened the door to the Slave Market

  8. You cannot walk out just by sayin “yes.”

Redemption - “exagarazo” - to buy back

“Ho! Everyone who thirsts come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” Isaiah 55:1

  1. We have no money.

  2. The water, wine, and milk have no price.

  3. The means of exchange is faith.

Jesus Was Nailed to a Cross But Could Still Pray

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” And they divided His garments and cast lots.” Luke 23:34

  1. Jesus could not walk to cities to minister.

  2. He could not lay hands on the sick.

  3. He could not throw moneychangers out.

  4. But Jesus could pray and He did.

  5. His prayer was answered (Matthew 27:54).

  6. As we grow older, prayer becomes more important.

  7. Anna the prophetess stayed in the temple and prayed (Luke 2:36, 37).

Two Thieves Were Crucified Beside Jesus

A. Mankind Divides Us From Each Other By:

  1. Race

  2. Color

  3. Sex

  4. Age

  5. Education

  6. Class

B. God Sees Only One Division

  1. This is the second statement from the cross - “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.” Luke 23:34

  2. It is no accident Jesus was crucified between two thieves.

    a. God foresaw it.

    b. Isaiah foretold it - “He was numbered with the transgressors” (Isaiah 53:12).

  3. Why thieves?

    a. Thieves represent all mankind. All have sinned, none righteous.

    b. He was not there to die for the righteous. He was our substitute.

  4. The two thieves had a history together.

    a. They were part of organized crime - murderers as well as thieves.

    Jesus spoke of them in the parable of the Good Samaritan.

    b. They had to have murdered, committed crimes, and stolen together.

    c. They were probably arrested together to be crucified together.

  5. Before they were arrested they probably had heard of Jesus but did not witness His ministry.

    a. Because Jesus’ fame had spread quickly they had to have heard of His works.

    b. They did not see the multitudes healed.

    c. They did not see water turned to wine, the dead raise, or loaves and fishes multiplied.

  6. The two thieves left prison together.

    a. They both left the cell and traveled the same streets with Jesus.

    b. When nailed, they probably screamed, cursed God, and the soldiers.

    c. Both saw Jesus beaten and nailed, yet He never opened His mouth.

    d. Both heard Jesus pray on the cross for God to forgive the soldiers.

  7. After being crucified, both spoke evil to Jesus (Matthew 27:44).

  8. They did not live long enough to see the miracles after His death.

    a. They did not see darkness or feel the earthquake.

    b. They did not see Old Testament saints come from graves and walk into Jerusalem.

    c. They did not see the temple veil torn from the top to the bottom.

    d. They did not see Jesus’ resurrection.

  9. Before being crucified, they might have done some good works.

    a. At the crucifixion, that did not matter. It was not mentioned.

    b. They were thieves.

  10. On the cross, they could do no work to gain salvation

    a. Their hands were nailed.

    1. They could not feed the hungry.

    2. They could not give money to the poor.

    b. Their feet were nailed.

    1. They could not go to church or come forward for salvation.

    2. They could not visit the sick, those in prison, or the aged.

  11. They could not do good works after the cross.

    a. They died without getting off the cross.

    b. They died without being able to do any good works.

  12. Salvation is completely by God’s grace.

    a. For by grace are you saved through faith.

    b. It is not by works of righteousness, but according to His mercy.

  13. They were both thieves.

    a. Both were men.

    b. Both were probably of the same nationality.

    c. Both were probably the same color.

    d. Both were from the same economic background.

    e. Both were probably the same age.

    f. But both were thieves.

  14. Why two thieves?

    a. They represent the two answers to the gospel

    b. One said yes. The other said no.

    c. In God’s sight, mankind is not divided by race, color, sex, age, education, or class (rich vs. poor).

    1. Both thieves were of the same sex, background, and probably race and education.

    2. Both were thieves.

    d. We are divided by Jesus into “yes” and “no.”

  15. One thief realized this and saw Jesus as God, His Savior.

    a. Salvation is a gift to be received.

    b. Paradise was his for the asking.’

What About You?

  1. The thieves represent you.

  2. You may have never gone to church, heard a sermon, or seen a miracle.

  3. You may or may not have done good works in your life.

  4. You may or may not be able to do good works for your fellowman.

  5. Today you have heard about Jesus and His plan for your life.

  6. Eternal life, paradise (heaven) is a choice.

  7. Which thief are you?

    a. The yes thief?

    b. The no thief?

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